Doom 3 Easter Egg - You Laugh, It Works!

The Delta Labs 4 level of the game consists of a few corridors red with messages written in blood such as "Die" or "Suffer". Go to the corner on the left side of the door leading to the teleporter room (where you fight two Hellknights) and punch the skeleton out of the way to reveal the message "You laugh, it works" written in blood letters on the wall behind it. You'll need to use your flashlight because that area is pitch black.

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  6.0/10 with 14 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 04-17-2006
Reviewed By: sars, MorPH
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You Laugh, It Works
You Laugh, It Works

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squinn writes:
Great egg! If you're having trouble finding it, face the door to the teleporter room, turn left, walk straight into the wall, and turn left again. You're now facing the skeleton that hides this hidden message. The phrase "You laugh, it works" is part of an idiom used in basic Comedy 101. "How do you know if a joke works? If they laugh, it works." I haven't found this phrase or egg mentioned anywhere else. An enhanced image has been submitted.
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anonymous writes:
actually its "you lousy it works"the g is an S the h is a Y badly drawn
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