Last Supper, The (Leonardo da Vinci) Easter Egg - Holy Grail

Simply locate Bartholomew (for those of you who don't know who he is, he is the man on the far left of the painting). Now look above his head at the pillar and you will see something truly amazing. The dagger, or the Graille, was suspected of being the Holy Grail, but was simply showing that Da Vinci wasn't happy with the shape of the mans belly and put in the Graille to show that he wanted it smaller. (A Graille being a filing device) The Grail has been searched for by many for many years. It is so obvious yet so hidden. Amazing huh?!

User Rating:
  3.8/10 with 24 votes
Contributed By: Jem on 03-23-2006
Reviewed By: Axel, MorPH
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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It is on the far LEFT wall, above the man's head.
It is on the far LEFT wall, above the man's head.

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DarkDeath writes:
That's weird. i dont think it was for that reason though.
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egg_dude writes:
That's cool, it's clear as day, yet you wouldn't see it without knowing what it was.
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justkelly writes:
Check out this site. It does appear to look as though something is "hidden" there but if you go to this site you can zoom in very closely and you can clearly see it is etching on the column as you zoom back out you can see it change right before your eyes and appear as stated in this post. Pretty Cool!!!!!!!
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