Sims, The Easter Egg - Tons of Cash! (NOT AN EGG)

This is a really cool way to get tons of cash in no time !!

1. Press Ctrl + Shift + C to bring up the cheat box.

2. Type in 'klapaucius' and then press ENTER.
(if klapaucius doesn't work, its rosebud.)

3. Bring up the cheat box again and this time press '!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;' etc, untill you can't do any more.

3. When you can't do any more, DON'T PRESS ENTER !! Instead, highlight EVERYTHING in the cheat box with your mouse.

4. Press Ctrl + C. Then press ENTER.

5. Bring up once again the cheat box. Then press Ctrl + V. Your Cheat box should be full instanly!!

Keep doing this and you will be into the billions in no time!!

User Rating:
  7.5/10 with 11 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 03-16-2006
Reviewed By: Axel, MorPH
Special Requirements: pc version of the sims
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Alset writes:
Even quicker way. 1. Repeat all steps above, EXCEPT when you can type no more, delete the last ! or ; you typed, and replace it with any letter. 2. Hold down the ENTER key. A message should rapidly appear and disappear, telling you the cheat does not exist. However, the cash from all of the other cheats is added to your account, and you will not have to re-type the cheats!
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