Howard stern Easter Egg - Howard Stern E! Show

1.On the 500th Jennna Jameson Appearance on his show.Fast Forward at about 10.15 in the po-gram.
2.Slow down the tape @ third of the normal speed
3.Howard flashes a sign that he would later state on his sixty minutes interview "I've been doing subpar radio for the last ten years"
4.Later on the tape when Howard ask a stripper at 22:30 of the show he ask a stripper for the millionth time what did you Father do that make you strip on a stage for older men's attention.
5. At this point you pause before the black holes same tired responses, from there Howard features includes his new invention of backwardly masked director's commentary.
6. At this juncture, Howard scowl reverses and he pubicly acknowledges his failing as a father and at the same time he weeps over the Emily's kabbala play and the events that transpired in a Er after Jinball 2000

User Rating:
  4.5/10 with 6 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 03-16-2006
Reviewed By: Axel, MorPH
Special Requirements: A VCR or Beta for you stern fans
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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ADD writes:
Asperger's Syndrome AND a personal vendetta against an ugly radio personality? Impressive.
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