Spaghetti Incident, The (Guns N Roses) Easter Egg - Charles Manson's Song

In G'n'R's "The Spaghetti Incident?"
Album there is an unlisted 13th song that
was written by Charles Manson. They chose
not to list the song so it wouldn't appear that
they were glorifying him.

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  7.1/10 with 72 votes
Contributed By: Virgil Reed on 12-08-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: CD and player
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montagne writes:
A few days ago, Axl Rose (singer and last former member of the group) explained that the coming versions of "The Spaghetti Incident ?" won't have the hidden song "Look at your game girl". For similar reasons, the song "One in a million" will not be recorded in the future editions of "G'N'R Lies". Pouah ! Axl is getting old and politically correct ...
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It's not on the UK version of the CD.....
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Draco writes:
Strange...I have the UK versions of Spaghetti Incident and Lies and both songs you have the new versions or something 'cos I've had mine for years.
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Charles writes:
I did wonder why Axl mumbled "thanks, Chas" at the end of that hidden track... I hate revisionists. If he's politically correct now, fine, but he shouldn't be pretending that he never wrote a song like "One in a Million" (probably just so he can sell more albums).
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Acid Brat writes:
I actually own Mansons CD. the music is very folk-experimental. as for Axl hiding his infatuation with Charley, lets not forget the "Charley Don't Surf" t-shirt Axl was sporting in G'N'R's heyday...
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i don't know for sure that this is what his shirt referred to, but "Charley don't surf" is a line from "apocalypse now" by lt. col. Kilgore.
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