Simpsons, The Easter Egg - Pot Leaf

If you watch the episode where Homer goes to the superbowl in Miami, as soon as he gets off of the bus there is a palm tree. If you look at it closely, you will see that it isn't a palm tree but a very large pot leaf. I have noticed several eggs that have to do with Pot, so I guess it would be safe to say that MG smokes it?

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Contributed By: for20 on 12-05-1999
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Nive writes:
Yes, and there's an episode where Homer is afraid of John, the gay store owner, so Matt must be homophobic. But Smithers is gay, so maybe Matt is too. Hmmm. And many episodes slam Republicans, so Matt must be a Democrat. But, the show often pokes fun at Democrats, so Matt is definitely a Republican. And Barney is a lush, so Matt must be a lush too. But there was that prohibition episode, so maybe he's against drinking alltogether. And Matt must also be an old crotchety man, because that's what Abe Simpson is. Although, Maggie's a little baby girl, so maybe that's what Matt is. Come on people! Just because characters have certain traits, or certain references are made, it doesn't mean that Matt (who doesn't even write all the episodes, or for that matter, animate them all) is that way or feels that way... Let's get real people.
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bobo writes:
Nive is right all this is annoying junk. If' theres pot in the episode it dosen't mean that matts a stoner. CHHEEZ!!!
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Trivimaster writes:
tt2k> Otto's full name is Otto Mane.
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Jax writes:
lets get real???'s a cartoon people!!!!
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Jen writes:
Who could forget the Simpons episode where they look into the future and Lisa is president of the U.S. and Bart sporting dred locks asks for just one thing... "Legalize it" and Lisa says,consider it done!
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lo.phi.bry writes:
I forgot which episode this one was in, but one of the characters (lisa?) says something to the sort of "Yeah, and the mayor just grows marijuana and is illiterate." Then they show the mayor kneeling down next to a plant in his closet. Marijuana plant.
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Jonathan Tu writes:
Nive - ROFL! :)
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mw writes:
there is also one program when Homer changes his name to "Max Power", and him and marge get to goto the "cream of the crop" of springfield. They walk past a guy asking Woody Harrelsson if his pants are really made of hemp. A zoom out shows his pants are full with the magic leaf :)
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I thought Otto's full name was Otto Von Bizmark. It's in the Bart the General episode in Herman's military store.
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Adam G writes:
Those were our personal vegetables
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According to his bus driver's license, Otto's last name is Man.
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Bfunk writes:
Hey Teenie, lo.phi.bry wasn't wrong (well not entirely) he was just talking about a different episode. It was the one where Sideshow Bob ran for mayor. There was a parody of Rush Limbaugh in the episode (can't remember what his name was) and it was part of one of his radio shows that he made reference to "our three-term, wife swapping, pot smoking, illiterate mayor" referring to Quimby They then showed Quimby listening to the show while watering the pot plants in his office closet and he said "Hey, I am no longer illiterate"
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And you also have to remember the episode where bart gets the fake credit card and buys laddie, at the end when bart tries to get santas little helper back the blind guy has pot in his pocket and laddie finds it, then they all party to bob marley at the end...
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Rockin' Rudy writes:
Other references to pot: 1. When Otto auditions for the part of Poochie in Itchy and Scratchy, he says, "A talking dog? What have you guys been smoking?" 2. Otto writes wedding invitations for his wedding on Zig-Zag paper. 3. Remember when Ralph found a package for Otto at the post office and the dogs were sniffing it? That wasn't dog food Ralph.
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Oli writes:
Also in the episode called "Homerpalooza", when Bart takes Lisa and Bart to the Hullabalooza festival Lisa and Bart are at Cypress Hill's set they smell a strange scent then Bart says "What's that smell?" to which Lisa replies "It smells like Otto's Jacket." Cut to Otto who thinks his shoes are talking to him. But I agree just 'cause it is strongly hinted that Otto smokes dope it doesn't mean all the writers do as well. Although statistically at least one of them must do.
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*Stara* writes:
I agree with Oli in if "Otto smokes dope it doesn't mean all the writers do as well. Although statistically at least one of them must do." These are usual such things, what only a "stoner" (if you want to call us so) can understand or know. And does somebody remember the episode, where Simpsons had new neighbors and in the end of the show, I remember some talking about pot and dancing in the house and the cops were outside - or was I so stoned then, I can't remember right at all? ;)
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Rockin' Rudy writes:
They didn't have new neighbors. Bart went to get Santa's Little Helper back from the old guy that had marijuana. Someone (I forgot who) mentions this as a comment for this egg.
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In response to Jax ('lets get real???'s a cartoon people!!!!'). Yeah, IT'S a cartoon... we're not. Just coz people make stupid assumptions and point out the obvious doesn't mean we hafta sit idley by. I DO take it personally... If you're gonna register your opinions on the GREATEST SHOW OUT THERE, then bloody well get your facts straight! !AND! When all of Springfield (bar the Rev.) are being shown the 'MOVEMENTARIANS' movie about 'the leader' and his cause, Otto wishes to leave, saying before he attempts to leave, 'Man, this whole place smokes on the wacky tobaccy.' ... :oP
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In the recent episode with "Lisa's main squeeze" Joshua Jackson, the log that is the Lisa Land sign slides down a hill and into some kind of bong shop. I was kind of half paying attention so I don't remember the specifics.
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RUJealous writes:
Okay...thanks for all the VERY interesting comments about pot, but really, are you people trying to play these off as 'eggs'? I mean I understand that there are a lot of subtle hints about pot in many episodes but everyone notices. They aren't really hidden. Don't get me wrong...I find it interesting to read all of your comments, however, these ARE NOT eggs. The Simpsons are all about slight jokes and underlying meanings in every show. Maybe you guys should be at a site all about the Simpsons and the examination of every detail of every show. It doesn't really fit here. AND for everyone who is taking these 'eggs' personally...really needs to get out MUCH more!!!!
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Rockin' Rudy writes:
Now for the next shipment: 1. In the episode with Jessica Lovejoy, Principal Skinner admits he smelled marijuana smoke in 'Nam. 2. In the episode where Bart accidently kills the bird and he cares for the eggs, Homer thinks that Bart is running a drug lab in his treehouse. 3. In the episode where Homer becomes sanitation manager, he gets extra funding by letting other cities dump trash in an abandoned mine in Springfield. However, Marge and Lisa think Homer got the money by pushing drugs. Later, Lisa wishes Homer had sold drugs instead.
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GaZH writes:
I've noticed that the new episodes are probably made in serious P O T. For example the superbowl episode: JEEZ. That was cooky. And the episode where the Simps slept in the church. Anyone see that paradise-dream homer had? Did you look at the colors? Trippy.
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Rockin' Rudy writes:
And I just remembered the episode where Bart was prescribed to that Ritalin-like medicine (maybe it was Ritalin). Well Bart got hooked on it and he went bizarre like a druggie. Don't forget, there are tons of references to alcohol which is also a drug.
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Incubus writes:
Don't forget when Burns disguised himself as a Green peace crone and after betraying them pulls out a bong and says something to the effect of "And all this time I've been smoking 100% safe tobacco!"
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Pinto4598 writes:
Also the episode when the family is returning from the swap meet (I believe the B Sharps episode) and Bart gets a new "pencil holder". Homer chuckles and says "Far out man, I haven't seen a bong in years"
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mstone writes:
Not that this thread has much point now, or that any of these things are eggs, but if anyone's curious, the end of the Mr. X episode that made no sense was a reference to the British TV show The Prisoner. You can find some information about it on
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Lucky writes:
In one of the episodes, I have no idea which one, Homer is at the Kwik-E-mart, and when he is standing at the counter if you look next to him there is a sign for the lottery and instead of saying jackpot it says "Jack's Pot" Also if you look in every episode (or so I've been told) there is a Volkswagen Bug.
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Oli writes:
Also, in one episode Bart goes on the Indian reservation and has a "vision" about the future (which is suspicious enough in itself) in which he is a down and out and Lisa is President. Although Bart is shown as a moocher his ability to get out of paying back loans means he saves Lisa and America by convincing the countries who America is seriously in debt too (after investing too heavily in children) to not demand immediate payment. Lisa asks him how she can repay him to which he replies “Legalize it”!!!!!! Lisa says "What? Oh, consider it done". And lets not forget the Duff Gardens episode (when Aunt Gladys dies) where Lisa drinks the water from a ride, hallucinates and proclaims herself the Lizard queen which may be a reference to the Lizard king himself mainly Doors frontman, Jim Morrison
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SheePMaN writes:
One of the seemingly most weed influenced episodes is the casino one - "Nothing can stop me now... apart from tiny, little microbes..." (Mr Burns suffering from paranoia) and the rest of the episode is pretty bizarre as well. But then again, influenced by pot? I reckon that the Simpsons writers are just funny and not "stoners" (what a rubbish expression) at all.
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Rockin' Rudy writes:
In the episode where Sideshow Bob brainwashes Bart, and Bart attempts to kill Krusty, Krusty announces that throughout his life, he has "(big puff) a lot of WHOA!"
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Just because drug references are made does not mean that MG is a druggie. There are also sex and violence references, but I sincerely doubt that he is sex-crazed, planning any senseless violent acts, or anything else of that sort. It's a pop-culture show, and it's just modern American humor.
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Hehehe... There's also the episode when Homer goes tripping on the Mexican Insanity Peppers. BTW, in the episode about the illiterate pot-smoking Mayor Quimby, immediately after Mayor Quimby says "I'm not illiterate anymore"; it flashes to the view outside of his window. A member of the crowd is holding a sign that says "Leeglize It"
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govert writes:
Just think of the numbers here. I can't recall any show, cartoon, or other to have as many pot under tones! Well maybe except for That Seventies Show but hay, it was the seventies. I have some that were not mentioned but my details are scanty! There was the episode where Marge didn't want Homer to attend the Annual Cook-Off because the year before he got smashed and walked around naked or something. He smelled the cook-off from the front door and cried like a child until marge let him go. ....After he poured hot wax in his mouth he attempted Chiefs Voodoo Peppers again and ended up sitting on a rock talking to a Wolf, or a Fox or a Coyote. I won't get into his little trip getting there! How about the show where there is a dance or something at the school gym an Skinner is checking jackets at the door. A few kids walk past and he looks them over, then as another kid walks past Skinner says "Is that a bong in your pocket er oh do you have Asthma?" You see a bulge in his jacket pocket change from a Water Bong to a Asthma inhaler... Someone should document all the 'PotNouf's' and post em somewhere...
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Alectosis writes:
The the chili pepper episode, while there is no such thing as the type of insane asylum pepper they described, it is possible to get really screwed up on peppers. When you eat a pepper (not a Jalapeano, but a real hot pepper like a Red Savina or a Scotch Bonnet, or better yet, semi-pure capsicum powder), your brain things your tongue is being physically burned. And your brain responds by releasing endorphins (an opiate compound produced in the body) to help ease the pain. The endorphins can cause a chili pepper fanatic (or a marathon runner) to feel extremely euphoric and self-confident. I myself have done this several times, if you can try to ignore the pain, you will have an altered thought process. BTW, it's possible to go into shock from eating too many peppers (although a case like that has never been documented). And in the Homer "Jay" Simpsons episode there are two huge references. First off, Jay is a slang term for a joint. And secondly, the special crops the hippies grew weren't marijuana, they were growing Peyote. And if I remember correctly, Peyote contains mescaline which is a disassociative and psychedelic. BTW, while I wouldn't call anyone on the staff a stoner, I think we can all agree that they do and/or have use drugs. Think about it, they're writers. Do you know how EXTREMELY common it is for writers to use drugs? And the staff went to college in the 60's/70's. The drug use statistic for that time was between 60%-70%. BTW, I often use drugs. But I am not a druggie, or an addict (I know every says there not an addict, but the vast majority of drugs I've used are barely addictive). I not dumb either, the 3 times I took the SAT, my total score was between the high 1400's and low 1500's.
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Pumpkingrrl writes:
Otto von Bismarck was a Prussian general, hence the joke about stealing his treaty.
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Rockin' Rudy writes:
Okay, this wasn't in The Simpsons, but this was in Futurama, Groening's other cartoon. When Fry purchases a VW-esque van, Professor Farnsworth asks, "Where's the device that allows you to slow or speed up time?" Fry says, "Right under the seat." He pulls out a bong.
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Krez writes:
Some of the greatest scenes in the Simpsons were the ones where one of the characters ended up tripping (Marge drinking the bad water, Homer eating the Guatamalan Insanity Pepper, licking frogs butts, etc)... and one thing i know for certain is that someone who does not (or at least, who didn't use to) smoke marijuana and drop acid, etc, would not be able to so wonderfully turn that experience into a scene in a cartoon... Matt & company know what's up...
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kornx writes:
Or in that episode where homer finds the old baking soda in the refrigerator and ends up having an acid trip about food
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Rockin' Rudy writes:
From the Homer's Day Care episode: Homer: I can't remember what happened. Maybe a little morphine would help!
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And when Dr. Nick punches homer and knocks him out and uses the needle for himself.
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Iceman writes:
Krez thank you for calling the peppers by their proper name GUATEMALAN INSANITY PEPPERS!!
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Mr. T writes:
Nive is 100% correct. Come on people, just because their is a reference to something doesnt mean that matt groening, or anyone else endorses the act, action, or object. Its just meant to be funny. This is the simpsons people, and last time i checked, it wasnt really a serious meanigful,family quality T.V. show.
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Steve writes:
you guys are looking into this to deep its just innocent fun
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deejdude writes:
I agree with ya PhilipWKeck.....but Homer and Bart did make a reference to a bong in "Homer's Barbershop Quartet". When they come back from the flea market or whatever, Marge asks what they got, Bart says he got a cool pencil holder and holds up a bong to which Homer responds "far out man, I haven't seen a bong in years!"
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Heather writes:
Matt does not even animate any of the Simpson's cartoons. The animation is done by a 16 person team of Koreans and they don't even find the show funny like we do.Plus in the episode where Marge and Homer fights over the gun through out the show...They had to call him in the middle of the night to ask how you draw a gun of that king shooting. I thought that was also kinda cool.
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cloudy9420 writes:
I think that this whole discussion is hilarious. Half of you swear that they must all be druggies if they mention drugs. The other half find it appalling to suggest that these people might still be smoking pot. Writers on The Simpsons are probably just like the average American public: some did, some still do, some never will. Does it matter? The jokes are still great, especially the "Smells like Otto's jacket" one.
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bree writes:
In response to PhilipWKeck's novel, some points you made were wrong (OK, all of them). Such as when the log hit the hemp shop..true, hemp is not pot but there was a huge BONG next to the building...remember? Plus, there are tons of drug references..such as the shop in the mall "Stoner's pot palace" "I'm not, not licking toads..." Homer while tripping on Buffotonin (Lisa) "Mom, dad, there is something i know you won't like, but i need to do" (Homer) "Marge i think lisa's narcing on our stash." (Marge) "Homer, we don't have a stash" (Homer trying to cover)"right...we don't have... a stash." (Homer) "I want to go to Jamaica and pass the doochie to the left hand side" This is at the beginning of the episode where Homer tells Lisa and Bart about when he was in the barber-shop quartet. Bart: (holding a bong) I got this cool pencil sharpener at the flea market. Homer: far out man, I haven't seen a bong in years. That episode where Homer changes his name to Max Power..and him and Marge go to that garden party..and Woody Harrelson is there..and the guy he is talking to tells him, "wow i cant believe your clothes are made of 100% hemp"..and they show Woody's clothes and they're just a bunch of pot leaves sewed together. When Bart says "what smell? its smells like Auto's jacket" Even in Futurama there are drug references : Fry finds an old hippy van and the people from the future are trying to figure out how it works, and the professor says "where's the device that lets you slow down the passage of time" and fry pulls out a bong and says "under the seat" There are many other funny references...not eggs, but good for a laugh.
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lithium writes:
This is a forum for EGGS, not observations! This Simpsons is such a great show, you can pick ANY topic and go on rants like these! (p.s. "The Merciless Peppers of Quetzlzacatenango! Grown in the jungle primeval by the inmates of a Guatemalan insane asylum!".......yes,sp is correct.)
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Supermax writes:
When they first aired Homerpalooza episode, there is a part where Bart and Lisa are in the crowd and Otto's shoes are talking. This was only shown the first time the episode was aired
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Lisa says 'Legalise what?' then Bart raises his eyebrow at her and she says ' Oh! oh consider it done' Also, what is the big deal if the cartoon's writers or animators do smoke pot? Practically evrybody does
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Droopy669 writes:
Or the episode where homer gets medicinal marijuana! How could you leave that out! The ENTIRE episode is about drugs.
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JBPoké2000 writes:
It's interesting that you people know so much, yet most of you can't name one episode title. One person says that Lisa said Mayor Quimby smokes pot. This was in 2F02 "Sideshow Bob Roberts", said by Birch Barlow, who called Quimby a "tax-cheating, wife-swapping, pot-smoking illiterate". To which Quimby replies "Hey, I am no longer illiterate." You want a marijuana reference, watch DABF11 "Weekend at Burnsie's". Or as you may have called it, "the Phish episode".
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That is just funny....i know that im not the only one out there that thinks this is veryy funny but use potheads would find this a bit unnerving
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killer writes:
This is a bit off topic but in the episode where Homer becomes a missionary, and starts licking frogs, Marge comes in on the radio and says something like "Hello, Homer Is there anybody in there?" Which I think is a nod to Pink Floyd. Any one else notice this?
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hysterika099 writes:
This isn't really an egg, but really, how many of these comments actually are? The writers on the Simpsons are just down with everything (counter-culture). Lettuce not forget the episode when Homer takes over the truck route for the guy at the Steak House who dies. When Homer is getting ready to go we see a bottle of "Simul-Crank" HA HA (especially since it's in regards to truck drivers)
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Sexdwarf83 writes:
Anyone who has done any drugs would agree that the writers either recreationally do drugs now, or at least have done drugs before. The odds of Matt Groening letting SOOO many drug references slip if he didn't have some loving relationship of them is slim. Any TRUE Simpsons fan wold whole heartedly agree on this. Just for clarification, Otto has no official last name, in the Simpsons guide to the cast it only list Otto as "Otto;" if there has been a reliable source that proves this wrong please post. (I don't care either way, just want the facts straight.) "Oooh, the walls are melting again."
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Sexdwarf83 writes:
Another instince of drug reference is when Bart passes out the fake hymns, any flower child will agree that "Innagaddadavida" by Iron Butterfly is a total stoner/trip song aside form being a make out song.
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Jimbo Jones writes:
When the log from Lisaland punched through town, it obiliterated Hemp World. In the next sceen, the headlines of the newspaper spiral in, and it reads, Hempworld Reduced to Stems and Seeds... Cool... Can't get enough of that wonderful Duff JJ
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actually bree, i think it was just called pot palace.. otto goes there and is very disappointed
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thebigwheeze writes:
Just one quick thing: the episode with Burn's casino, the "tiny microbes" along with Burns' appearance and general delerium are a direct reference to the eccentric millionaire Howard Hughes. Definitely not a drug reference.
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schmenni writes:
Did you know there is a discussion area for things like this? Why you think any one cares what your SAT score was is beyond me. Please try and keep the posts about the egg, so that people don't have to sift through endless irrellevant comments.
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Another drug reference, is i think the edisode when marge gets all muscley and stuff, but otto is driving the bus, and i think the kids forgot there lunches, so marge is running trying to catch up with the bus to give the kids there lunches, and otto looks at the bus mirror and see marge running real fast, and looks surprized, and says, "woah! what am i smoking?!"...then he holds up a joint and says , "oh yeah, weed" or something close to thaat. but Otto kicks ass and it was funny
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i was here writes:
all those drug references to do with otto?I say, otto IS a drug reference!
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i was here writes:
i remember a drug reference in futurama, they all jump out of the box, the paralell universe. [fry]oh, it's like that drug trip i saw in that movie when i was on that drug trip. and also, bender got high on electricity
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AnakinVader writes:
OK! Everyone just SHUT UP!
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SirIbus writes:
What about the Episode where grandma Simpson comes back (again), she is sent to prison because of giving false information in a national park. The alias she used was "Anita Bonghit" (if you don't get the joke,Anita Bonghit = I need a bong hit)
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Reeferturtle writes:
Lemme clear something up, the episode where there was a big cannabis leaf disguised as a palm tree would be an example of an easter egg, while Homer flying to work or virtually everything Otto related would be humor. Meaning that at some point in time, there was or is at least someone involved in the making of the simpsons who smokes weed. So don't try to prove each other wrong, just smoke a joint and get along.
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Reeferturtle writes:
And who cares if they're not eggs? Unless they're making a new Thread everytime it's all good, they're fun to read.
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