Powerslave (Iron Maiden) Easter Egg - Not so Ancient Hieroglyphics

Maybe Derek Riggs was practicing for the Somewhere In Time cover? Here we go:

1. Bottom left-hand corner of the cover. Behind the foremost lion are the words "Indiana Jones was here".
2. Right next to that, we see what appears to be Mickey Mouse.
3. Above that (above the statues heads) is written "WOT A LOAD OF CRAP".
4. Bottom right-hand corner of the cover. Behind the lion we see the inscription "WOT? NO GUINESS?" written underneath a silly looking face.
5. Above that (again, above the statues heads) is the word "Bollok".
6. The back cover is the view from inside the "temple" on front cover, looking out--- it's kinda obvious....

User Rating:
  4.9/10 with 10 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 02-26-2006
Reviewed By: Techneon, MorPH
Special Requirements: The vinyl version of the cover art
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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