Rugrats Easter Egg - Doctor Who Reference in Rugrats

In the episode of Rugrats where the cantankerous babies are on a joyful romp through the local Toy Mega-Store, toys lining one of the shelves can be clearly identified as Daleks, from Doctor Who fame.

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  3.7/10 with 86 votes
Contributed By: Dangevin on 12-05-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: just the eyes in your face.
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

Pictures and Videos

Chuckie stands in front of some Daleks.
Chuckie stands in front of some Daleks.

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svenlat writes:
If I remember correctly, there are also alien ships from War of the Worlds.
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The War of the Worlds dolls are in the episode where Angela convinces them all that the sky is falling. Its in the scene where she describes how they'll all then take over the world. They storm on the Toy Palace (ala Mad Max, perhaps?) and the space-ship dolls are in the background at one shot. Are the Doctor Who dolls in THIS episode, or the one where they are locked in the Toy Palace?
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Julius CJ writes:
Raptor, it's not "Angela," it's "Angelica," which is kind of a joke because she's anything but angelic.
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Chiscringle writes:
I thought I saw Doctor Who on their TV in one episode.
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alibenson writes:
Tommy is supposed to be Dr. Who as a baby. Notice him always using his toy screwdriver and always leading them into great adventures. Apparently, the creators were big D.W. fans
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