E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial Easter Egg - Yoda Theme in Soundtrack

When the kids and ET are out trick-or-treating for Halloween, they run into someone dressed up in a Yoda costume. That's an obvious reference to the ties director Steven Spielberg has with George Lucas.

What's not so obvious is that in the track playing during this scene (track 10 of the ET soundtrack - The Magic of Halloween), Yoda's theme from numerous Star Wars films is lightly played (0:45 - 0:51). Of course, John Williams wrote and conducted the scores for ET and all of the Star Wars movies, so it's pretty cool that he slipped in this musical tribute to Yoda.

User Rating:
  5.0/10 with 5 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 01-16-2006
Reviewed By: ConCor, Techneon
Special Requirements: A copy of the ET movie or soundtrack
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julie writes:
My dorky boyfriend submitted this, but I think it's awesome!
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