Two and a Half Men Easter Egg - Chuck Lorre

At the end of each episode, right after the credits, there is a split second flash of a white screen with the title "Chuck Lorre Productions". Pause the recording to read it. This is a commentary by he creator and can be pretty hilarious. Each episode has a different commentary. To read the vanity cards from "two and half Men" and "Dharma and Greg" go to

User Rating:
  8.2/10 with 19 votes
Contributed By: Rollin on 11-17-2005
Reviewed By: Axel, Techneon
Special Requirements: Tivo, DVR, or VCR
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To: Chuck Lorre From: Sarah Brand Unterberger Subject: Hello! Dear Chuck, Jack and I are thrilled for you. We are kvelling! We love your show, "Two and a Half Men", and tell all our friends and clients about it. In fact, we have been enjoying your work since Andy Hajdu advised us of your association with The Roseanne Show many years ago. What prompts this note was the closing line of a recent episode where Charlie is involved in his first serious monogamous, sexless relationship and Alan is enjoying Charlies' x-girlfriend, Kandi (with a k and an i, very funny!). In the closing line of the show Charlie says to Alan "Love isn't blind, it's retarded". Our youngest daughter, Carly, has Down Syndrome and is, therefore, mentally retarded. It is unfortunate that the disparaging use of the word retarded has become so accepted in contemporary American comedic lexicon. Jack and I thought that the Chuck Levine we used to know would want to know that. Again, we are all loving your work, and by all, we mean Andy Hajdu, Jan Kettler, Lester Rivelis, Laurie Okun, Geoffrey Weisman, Andrea Drucker, Mitchell Leibson, Ilene Shankman, Maddy Eckert, Barbie Bass, et al. May your creative juices continue to flow. Your friends, Sarah Brand Unterberger and Jack Unterberger [email protected]
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