Doom 3 Easter Egg - Hidden Message on Broken Keypads

In the first few levels you will encounter rooms with the pentagram symbol on the floor surrounded by candles where a demon will spawn from. The rooms have keypads to get into them but the doors are open already and the keypad is broken. The keypad will blink red. If you look closely you will see text saying something like enter security code. Since the pad is broken it blinks a lot. When it blinks the text quickly changes and says something like "Hell will kill you" you have to be very quick to see it but after looking at it for a minute you will see it.

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  5.0/10 with 30 votes
Contributed By: feuer on 10-01-2005
Reviewed By: Axel, DomFeargrieve
Special Requirements: eyes,
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

Pictures and Videos

First text... Second text... Betruger's Office Door Keycode
First text... Second text... Betruger's Office Door Keycode

Do you have another one? Send us a picture or video of this Egg!


squinn writes:
Good eyes! The keycode doorlock, located both outside and inside of Malcolm Betruger's office, displays "ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE", "DEATH-HB9ZO 1 &4ITGHL" & "HELLAWAITS2 KILL-YOU". His office, #132, is located among the Executive Offices on the Administration Level. Images have been submitted.
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MattMan writes:
Hey I get the one that says "hell waits to kill you" but what does the other one mean or say?
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Gunslinger writes:
Wait, hang on, there's another Easter egg RIGHT THERE in the images that no-one has brought up. Click 'accept info to PDA' at the bottom to receive a corrupted email detailing the opening of portals, including how fresh the virgin's blood must be, along with many other useful pointers! Other broken keypads will also flash with random garble. I've spotted among it something along the lines of I2e6WILLbKILL9YOU.
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