Google Toolbar Easter Egg - Latin Message in Google Toolbar

First, open up Internet Explorer. Then click on the drop down menu on the toolbar that says "Google". After you do that, scroll down to where it says "About google toolbar". Click it.

You will then find the latin phrase "De parvis grandis acervus erit". I'm pretty sure it means "From a small pile comes great things".

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  3.3/10 with 115 votes
Contributed By: dposse on 09-19-2005
Reviewed By: Axel, DomFeargrieve
Special Requirements: Google Toolbar, Internet Explorer.
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dlorde writes:
I think it probably loosely translates more like "There will be a stack of output from a small input". De parvis = about/concerning the small grandis acervus = a large quantity, great treasure, etc. erit = he/she/it will be
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GE1437 writes:
I thought that it meant: "It will be about a great pile of children" but I guess I was wrong. :)
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kevin writes:
it means: about child great a heap will be but it doesnt seem right... go to this site :
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CLH writes:
Well, if you consider alternate meanings of "parvis" and "acervus", it could boil down to "Much ado about nothing (or little)."
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Newms3450 writes:
Firstly, "de parvis" does not mean "from a small pile". There is no word for pile contained therein. A better translation of a substantive (adjective without an accompanying noun) would probably be "thing" or "issue" or a similarly ambiguous word. Also, "parvis" is plural (2nd declension dat/abl pl of Parvus, a, um). So that part is "From small things". As for "acervus", it does literally mean "heap" or "pile" (though it is NOT associated with parvis - wrong case and number!), but I think "multitude" might be a better translation here. So all in all we have a very prophetic (gnomic?) "From small things a great multitude will come." This makes sense in the context of Google: From small things (a few search terms in Google's search engine) a great multitude (of webpage results for that search) will come. And to Kevin: I think you tried to use an internet translator. Unfortunately, this does not work, as Latin is a language where the role of a word in a sentence (subject, direct object, etc.) is based on its ending, and not its position in the sentence. Therefore, "Canis hominem momordit" is the same as "Hominem canis momordit", whereas "The dog bit the man" is not the same as "The man bit the dog". Your translation is confusing i think because most online translators of Latin try to translate each word as is, without considering surrounding words. Consider the english sentence "I have eaten". This is a single verb. The words "I" and "have" are helping words here, and cannot in this case exist on their own.
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daxson writes:
"By small and simple things are great things brought to pass." This will only mean something to a few people, but that's what I got out of it.
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cuvtixo writes:
It comes from an English "Emblem Poem" from 1586. and Changing "acervus" to "a cervus" is fitting from a company that calls itself "Google" when the namesake is spelled "googol."
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