Toy Story Easter Egg - 10th Anniversary - Extra Clips

This is specifically for the Sept 2005 10th Anniversary rerelease of Toy Story. On the 2nd disc, on every menu is a gold star. Navigating to this star is easy but be sure to do it (and press Enter or OK on your remote) on every menu and submenu. They play various new fun clips of the characters from Toy Story. Not clips from the movie, but new comedic bits. Or, for easy access to all of them, from the main menu, go into the Index. On the Index screen, navigate to the gold star that is on the left page (under the disc 1 listing). Select that star and you'll get a list of all the little clips from the other menus and can watch them all from here.

User Rating:
  1.5/10 with 13 votes
Contributed By: CLH on 09-14-2005
Reviewed By: Axel, Techneon
Special Requirements: Sept. 2005 10th Anniversary rerelease of Toy Story
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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rosetat writes:
Awesome, I knew there'd be cool stuff, I just didn't get around to checking for it yet. My three year old has a hard time letting me ficle with the menu, he just wants to watch the movie.
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