This Desert Life (Counting Crows) Easter Egg - Extra Song at End of Last Song

1. Just go to the last song.
2. After the song is over, continue listening. (or just fast forward).
3. They do some stuff about the first man on the moon then they play another song that is almost better then the rest on the album.

User Rating:
  7.8/10 with 37 votes
Contributed By: Travis Whitney on 12-02-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: CD Player, The actual CD.
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Aerochick writes:
Yeah, it's a great song, it's called Kid Things and I saw them play it live. The review in Q called it 'an uncredited, awful hidden track' but we know better...!
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Toby Inkster writes:
For your information it is actually credited - in the line notes you will see people listed as playing instruments with "K/T" written beside the instruments... K/T=Kid Things.
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hyperceej writes:
well actually its not for HER information it's for Q's information. Just for your information. ;)
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