Easter Egg - Star Wars Game

1. create a new sheetin Calc (spreadsheet)

2. enter this formula in a cell :
and validate (validation button or enter)

3.the cell will display "say what?"

4. Enter this formula:

5. a new window will open with a little game star war game.

6. But if you type again this formula, the cell will return the display "oh no, not again!"

7. to be able to play again, you need to close the file, close and the QuickStarter, and then make the same.

User Rating:
  8.2/10 with 332 votes
Contributed By: jll on 08-21-2005
Reviewed By: Axel, DomFeargrieve
Special Requirements: All OpenOffice Versions
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

Pictures and Videos

The OpenOffice Star Wars Galaxy game Star Wars Game on Ubuntu
The OpenOffice Star Wars Galaxy game Star Wars Game on Ubuntu

Do you have another one? Send us a picture or video of this Egg!


Simmemann writes:
this is just so cool.
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jackfusion writes:
What do you mean? "and then make the same."
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This is a quality egg if I ever saw one. I just downloaded OpenOffice on the recommendation of my dad and after using it, experience told me, "there has to be an egg in here." So I checked and I found it.
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majora1991 writes:
This will also work with the Potable apps version of open office for for U3 Smart jumpdrives
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daxson writes:
It only worked for me when I accidentally left off the last parenthese. Correct way: =game("StarWars"
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jsantos writes:
By the way, the game is in German.
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Gaara writes:
also works in Staroffice.
22 of 41 people found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No writes:
It also works in NeoOffice on Mac :-)
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Norman writes:
This easter-egg doesn't work here (on Debian Etch). It only shows "say what?", but doesn't start the game, no matter if I type only =GAME() or =GAME("Star Wars") or even dismiss the last ")" charakter (which is anyway being added automatically)... So, what am I doing wrong?
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Boris writes:
Can you get anyother games from that, i.e. replaceing starwars for something else?
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VmKid writes:
@norman-The word must be spelled as one word(StarWars) not Star Wars.
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R.U.R. writes:
That is the best egg I've seen for some time!
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Ant writes:
@ Boris =GAME(A2:C4;"TicTacToe") is a TicToeGame (works in A1 cell only) =TTT() does random smileys =STARCALCTEAM() shows photo of developers In the help menu as well, click on About then while the about window is displayed, hold CTRL and type SDT for scrolling credits of the developers. (This works in the help menu of any apps). @ jackfusion It means, after you've closed everything, open it up again and repeat the same formula.
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Ant writes:
Also, in Writer, type StarWriterTeam then press F3 for a picture of the developers.
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jtalvy writes:
These no longer seem to work in Apache Open Office 3.4.1
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dervxerox writes:
In v3.3 it just returns #NAME?
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