Halo 2 Easter Egg - Demon Faces

Go to the mutliplayer level "Zanzibar" stand in the giant wheel and look at the rock on the left side of the base (the closest one) look at that side of the rock and there will be a guy's head with an abel lincoln beard and tiny horns on the rock. Another one is the rock on the left side of the beach (the one by the palm tree) and it will be on the opposite side onf the direction facing you when you pass into the beach.

User Rating:
  6.5/10 with 6 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 08-21-2005
Reviewed By: Axel, DomFeargrieve
Special Requirements: Halo 2
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Zero026 writes:
If you can, can you post a picture of these 'demon faces' you see? I tried it but I can't see it well. Also, is there a demon face in Ascesion? My friend said he found one but we couldn't find it.
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Firedog1 writes:
They are the Guardians of the levels...There is one on lock out near the sniper tower. Find the ramp that goes down and look at the wall near the bottom...It looks like a crack.
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Blackeye writes:
yeah, i noticed this also. but i thought it was a jackel. but with this new guardian theory, someone check out terminal!!
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Ok, I'm not sure if this is what you were talking about, but I got a screenshot with my (crappy, hence the quality)TV tuner. I don't know if this site supports BBCode or HTML so here's a URL; http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b323/Sp3cial/Demonything.jpg
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anonymous writes:
its an evil cjicken look at it closer you will see feet at the bottom and the face has a beak
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