Without you I'm Nothing (Placebo) Easter Egg - Hidden Track

15 minuits after last track (Burger Queen) there is a hidden track.

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  6.6/10 with 46 votes
Contributed By: The gimp on 12-01-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
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warren writes:
Also on their debut album there is an extra track.
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P. Giglio writes:
The hidden track in "Without You I'm Nothing" is called "Evil Dildo", just like the Lemonheads' Evan Dando's T-Shirt. And this song starts in the same time mark as "H.K. Farewell", the hidden track on the Placebo debut album (which is 14:50 minutes of the last track too).
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MollyCule writes:
"Evil Dildo" is actually a real answering machine message left on Brian Molko's (Placebo's singer) machine. It goes something like "hey fag, I'm gonna cut off your dick and chew it up with my little teeth."
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gneee writes:
Actually, the sample is taken from Aphex Twin's Album "Come To Daddy" It can be heard at the end of "Funny Little Man". It goes something like: "I would like to f*** you up the bunghole, and then I will sneak into your room and cut your c*ck off... (the rest is unclear. "Chew them up with my little something")
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mike writes:
I agree with Shortman - it's not hard to find a 'hidden' track on a cd is it? The last track just finished but yet the cd is still playing - so you do _nothing_ and hey more music comes on. Or people throwing up if you have 1977 by Ash. Thanks to P.Giglo who provided actual interesting useful information i.e. the track names.
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Leper writes:
In the new album Black Market Music there's a secret track too. Seems to be a Placebo trait.
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pooky writes:
you can find the complete message at placebo.com in the FAQs section
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Wallamanage writes:
Very cool song. I didn't know my CD player forwardwinded until after this so I had to wait 15 minutes to hear it. Well Worth it though. (Takes up too much memory on my iPod however!) "Message received at 9.50pm on Thursday the twenty-third..."
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Nemesister writes:
The messages you can hear throughout Evil Dildo were left on Brian Molko's answering machine by a crazed stalker - some of the messages were her voice just distorted, while the other was an Aphex Twin album excerpt played down the phone. The message says (in between the generic "message received at..." parts) - in a two different voices: First message (repeated throughout the 'song'!), a woman's voice with voice distortion - "Hey motherf*****, I'm after you..." Second message (repeated throughout, and heard more clearly at the very end), which is the album excerpt or at least an interpretation of it...either way I wouldn't be too happy to hear it - "...f**k you up the ***, then I will sneak into your room and cut your c**k off...and stuff it in my mouth...and chew it up with my little teeth." Even though I've had this album for years, that track still makes me feel a bit uneasy. A long description, sorry, but there you have it!
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