Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge Of The Sith Easter Egg - Organa and Man and His Dream

After Yoda loses his fight with Palpatine and escapes the Senate Building through a crawl space. Bail Organa meets Yoda below a service hatch with his speeder. The front of Oragana's speeder bears a remarkable resembelance to a Tucker automobile. George Lucas owns 2 out of the 51 cars made by Tucker.

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  2.4/10 with 7 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 07-17-2005
Reviewed By: DomFeargrieve, Techneon
Special Requirements: none
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While this isn't an egg, I find it extremely hard to believe Lucas owns two Tucker Tornadoes. You have more luck knocking down a telephone pole with your pinky than finding one of those cars nowadays. Where did you get that info?
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The Lucasfilm Tucker used in the film, was sold at auction in November of 2005 I believe (it was recently). It was in the Tucker Club Newsletter ( ). It was the prototype car, the Tin Goose, which was the car used in the "reveal to the press" scene in the Tucker movie. It is now on display in Huntingdon, PA. That is the only Tucker owned by Lucasfilm. The other Tuckers were members of the club who showed up to show off their cars in the film in the factory and court scenes.
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