Drake and Josh Easter Egg - Megan Parker

I was watching nickelodeon's "Drake & Josh", the episode were Drake was accused for putting his inglish teacher's car inside her classroom. The teacher's lawyer went to a website to show that Josh wasn't a light-sleeper. The website is "www.meganparker.com", I thought the website was real so I went there, and it was!

User Rating:
  7.5/10 with 830 votes
Contributed By: Rogelio Jr. on 07-10-2005
Reviewed By: Gamer Sly-Ratchet, DomFeargrieve
Special Requirements: TV, nickelodeon, computer, and internet
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

Pictures and Videos

Megan's own (fake) website
Megan's own (fake) website

Do you have another one? Send us a picture or video of this Egg!


Ka Ka writes:
I really like the show "Drake & Josh!" It's a really funny show. My brother, "Jon" really likes it too! I really like the web sight too!! This is my first time on it and I love it.
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ZeldaGeek writes:
It's an image! I put it as my desktop for a while. :)
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I just went to that site and it redirects you to Nick.com list of TV shows. Maybe it's because I'm Canadian. If anyone else in Canada can get it can you tell me.
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coolgame writes:
The same goes for the Amanda Show. www.amandaplease.com is also a real website.
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slipupsrox writes:
also if you notice (and a big nick fan) you notice that the girl next to her is adie singer from "unfabulous"
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Jewan writes:
i went to the site,and its just a pic.i clicked around and everything.
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eduardo5 writes:
At first I didn't think meganparker.com was real but when I went in it I was so amazed!
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dannyg259 writes:
When I went onto the website it was just the nickleodeon site.
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eveisme writes:
Please help me, how do you get on "www.meganparker.com"????!!!Please help!!!!
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jenner writes:
Nick buys the domains for all websites mentioned in their shows. Most of the time the websites shown are the same live ones you can see at home.
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royadam writes:
It Just Redirects Me To iCarly.com =)
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Ka Ka writes:
Hi my name is Kelsie and I was watching the show "Drake and Josh" and I saw that Megan Parker had a web sight and so I wanted to get on it and just look at it and I did!! It is a really cool web sight. If you don't have anything to do you can get on here and you will have your hands full! I mean there is just so many things you can do on here!!
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