Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Easter Egg - Magic!

Magician Paul Kieve taught illusions to cast members in this film, some of which were put in the film, these include:

- Man in the leaky cauldron cleaning the table makes a bottle dissappear by putting it in his rag
- Man in leaky cauldron stirring tea
- A Wizard in the breakfast scene in the Leaky Cauldron snake-charming a rope
- Again, in the breakfast scene, levitating tea pot pouring tea into cups
- Orbs float as Harry faces the Dementor in Dumbledores office
- kid pulling ribbons out of another kids mouth (deleted scene)

User Rating:
  4.1/10 with 26 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 07-06-2005
Reviewed By: Gamer Sly-Ratchet, DomFeargrieve
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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racedogg2 writes:
This is pretty good trivia but not a certified egg.
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Kier writes:
First of all, how do we know some of these weren't just special effects? Second, Harry fought the dememtor in Lupin's office not Dumbledore's! Watch what you type.
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lavahead writes:
the man magically stirring his tea in the leaky cauldron is in fact Ian Brown aka king monkey anfd the lead singer with the british pop band 'the stone roses'
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Yo writes:
We know that these aren't special effects because there is a bonus feature on the DVD where they talk about the director(or whoever it was) teaching the actors these various magic tricks.
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mr. man writes:
Actually it was a Bogart taking the form of a Dementor i think you'll find, so watch what you type
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