Tivo Eggs Easter Egg - Hidden Clock in Tivo

Step one: Turn on your TV and TiVo.

Step Two: Press the following buttons on your TiVo remote in this EXACT order. (Take out the quotes of course.) "Select-Play-Select-9-Select"

Step Three: You should here three pings and a tiny clock will appear in the bottom right cornor of your screen. (Note: I have heard form some that this dosent work on ALL TiVo machines, but on most.)

Step Four: To remove the clock, press the same number sequence.

User Rating:
  7.2/10 with 13 votes
Contributed By: orenn on 07-06-2005
Reviewed By: DomFeargrieve, Techneon
Special Requirements: You need TiVo, the TiVo remote, and a TV
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Jake_Davis writes:
I hear three pings, then the progress bar on the bottom disappears.
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I pressed those buttons and my tivo sparked and started smoking. I dont think that was supposed to happen.
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Aaron writes:
ok, its cool an everything, but IT WONT TURN OFF!!! i repeated the sequence and nothing! anyone want to HELP???
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This works on my Series 2 TiVo, it displays a small numerical clock superimposed on the right-hand bottom corner of the screen. It pings 3 times (as mentioned) whenever it's activated or deactivated...
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