Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge Of The Sith Easter Egg - THX 1138 Reference

Clone Commander Bacara's number is 1138, in reference to George Lucas' THX 1138. i thought this was pretty interesting since i have never been able to spot a " THX 1138" though i know its been in almost all of his movies.

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  5.1/10 with 11 votes
Contributed By: Plex on 06-25-2005
Reviewed By: MrHappyHamster, butterhoney12
Special Requirements: The movie
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Dan Slep writes:
Dammit there are so many of these. Is there a website dedicated to these THX 1138 references? If not i'll make one!
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Forceuser35 writes:
Commander Barca's ID#is 1138, unfortunately, this scene was cut from the movie. It is still in the book though, so enjoy.
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Forceuser35 writes:
Also, 1138 is on the back of every clonetrooper's helmet in ROTS. Though you can't see it when the film is playing at normal zoom, I have heard that you can see it if you zoom in on the DVD. (can't wait for it by the way)(also, you will need a DVD remote that has a zoom button on it to do this)
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Forceuser35 writes:
no there is no official website dedicated to all the 1138 references, but if you become a member of (not hyperspace, just the free type) then you can have access to be able to post on the message boards. On them there are various threads dedicated to finding 1138 in the movies. The only 1138 reference not found yet is the one (if any) in Return of the Jedi (though we are coming close, we think).
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If you want to find a list of them, go to:
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DRU writes:
They recently found a 1138 in Return of the Jedi. on the side of boushh's helmut, there is definitey a 1138. there was a absalutly HUGE contraversity over this finally ended by a live force-cast where pictures from the set and costumes proved it.
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