National Treasure Easter Egg - The Ocular Device

Once you finish watching all the features in the Bonus Treasure Hunt, you will be allowed to enter a new set of special features by clicking up to the book in the top right corner of the main menu and entering the three-digit code. Doing so will send you to a new menu, including Treasure Hunters Revealed, Riley's Decode This, and a short clip about the Knights Templar. Click up from the top item on the menu (Treasure Hunters Revealed, I believe), and you will highlight a Mason arc and compass over Washington's eye. Press enter, and you will be asked to enter the four-digit code that the Ocular device revealed (from Riley's Decode This). There are only four digits to choose from, so you could try entering them in different orders, but that would take as long or longer than finishing Decode This. I haven't actually finished Decode This or discovered what the order is, but I'm sure one of you intrepid folk has more time on his or her hands.

User Rating:
  4.8/10 with 34 votes
Contributed By: Yavanna on 06-20-2005
Reviewed By: butterhoney12, DomFeargrieve
Special Requirements: the DVD, finish Bonus Treasure Hunt and Riley's Decode This
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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BlitzenZeus writes:
This only unlocks the ability to see random comments about the movie, actors, and director as text on your screen while your watching the movie. If you want to play Riley Poole's Decode This in the , go ahead, but the reward is not worth the time. It wasn't difficult to complete at all in a short amount of time either. Not worth doing just to see this information unless your really bored. The Secret code is 397 to give you inital access to the first secret menu, and the Master code is 405 to give you another menu with the options from the first secret menu plus the 'Trivia Track Viewing Mode' option.
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rosetat writes:
this isnt an EGG, they talk about it in various bonus features in the movie. you are demented
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Yavanna writes:
Thank you very much, rosetat. We value your input highly. I made an error in the original submission; what you highlight is one of those stylized triangle symbols from Trinity Church, not an arc and compass. The correct order of the numbers is 0421.
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Amber writes:
This was pretty easy and a little time consuming but it was all fun and yes it does take a long time to finish decode this. I have to admit that some of it was interesting though.
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coolest30 writes:
To get the four digit code you must play 'Riley's Decode This' and use the colours green on the left and purple on the right
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