Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge Of The Sith Easter Egg - Frankenstein

At the end of the film when you first see the Darth Vader we all know and love. Sidious says to him "arise" and Vader's table is elevated. Vader asks about Padame and he is told about her death. He then breaks free from his bindings and takes his first few steps in his new legs. His staggered walking and cry are in homage to David Prowse, the original Darth Vader and to Hammer Films. Prowse played Frankenstein in several Hammer films and Lucas was a big fan.

User Rating:
  3.5/10 with 20 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 06-14-2005
Reviewed By: butterhoney12, Gamer Sly-Ratchet
Special Requirements: See the Movie
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hatchetluv writes:
In the issue 975 of Rolling Stone the Vader issue, Hayden Christense says, "To make adjustments for my height difference, they put hugh lifts in my shoes, so it was difficult to walk. I told George I needed to practice walking around in the costume, because my movements were so rigid and I didn't feel like I was walking like the Darth Vader we knew from the orginal trilogy." he told me, "That's what I want. Anakin is not acclimated in his suit yet; it's very new. He shouldn't be able to walk effortlessly."
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The monster arises as his master watches.
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