Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge Of The Sith Easter Egg - Wilhelm Strikes Again!

During the scene when the General Grievous' ship and the Republic capital ship are exchanging broadsides in the beginning of the film there is a quick scene of the interior of the Republic ship and you see the gun crews firing and getting blown up. When one of the crews blows up, listen for an odd sounding scream. The scream (sometimes called a "Wilhelm")started in Episode 4 from a falling stormtrooper on the Death Star and has been in all of the Star Wars films as well as some other Lucas movies.

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  5.7/10 with 20 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 05-23-2005
Reviewed By: Gamer Sly-Ratchet, David Wolf
Special Requirements: see the film
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Actuallym Star Wars is not the first movie to have this scream. The first known movie with it is the 1951 movie "Distant Drums." There is a history of the "Wilhelm" and a list of movies it is in at this site:
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I think you can also hear the scream coming from a clone while they're fighting in the Battle of Utapau.
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Yeah, the Wilhelm Scream has been used hundreds of times in different movies. See this link:
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The Evil Pig writes:
yeah, I noticed that the first time i saw it in the cinema.
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