Easter Egg - Answer to Life the Universe and Everything

1. Log on to internet
2. Visit
3. Enter in search "answer to life the universe and everything" (no quotes and all lower case)
4. The first outcome will Google’s calculator, informing you the answer is 42.

Reference: Douglas Adam's "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," in which it is discovered the answer to life the universe and everything is 42.

User Rating:
  7.7/10 with 342 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 06-15-2005
Reviewed By: Gamer Sly-Ratchet, DomFeargrieve
Special Requirements: access to internet
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

Pictures and Videos

Google result screen shot Right under the search bar it says the
Google result screen shot Right under the search bar it says the " answer to life the universe and everything = 42".

Do you have another one? Send us a picture or video of this Egg!


SuperSonic writes:
The same thing happens with MSN's search.
86 of 149 people found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No
koira writes:
Type in the number 1 (yes just the number one) and press I'm feeling lucky and see where you go to. Firefox Pwns!
61 of 110 people found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No
TAPMAGOO writes:
42--add all the numbers on the sides of two dice; life is a crap shoot.
50 of 89 people found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No
Bob writes:
The website for the WoMD page is: LOL! It's funny!
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ThorTheGod writes:
Notice on the french military one, the site name,
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eric writes:
type you were an accident and hit im feeling lucky a funny pic comes up
35 of 65 people found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No
ntwiles writes:
those are hilarious but are you sure google did those on purpose?
34 of 64 people found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No
Meira writes:
They've changed it now but it used to be that when you luckied "weapons of mass destruction" it would come up with a page that, in the style of "the page cannot be found", said "the weapons of mass destruction cannot be found. Please..." can't remember the options. But if anyone comes across it, you'll agree it was funny.
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xkatx21x writes:
in google type "idiot" (no") then press im feeling lucky! have fun
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dark metroid writes:
French military victories is funny. Also type in "big nose" and hit i'm feeling lucky. I don't know where I came up with that..... Anyway, that is scary.
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Yo_Ernest!! writes:
If you put g00g13 into the search box at click on the first link and it will give you a l33t version of
27 of 51 people found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No
I couldn't find a better place to put this as eeggs won't accept website eggs anymore.... 1.Go to 2.Type in "failure" (doesn't matter whether the quotes are there or not) 3.Click the "I'm feeling lucky!) button. 4.See what happens...... F
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i was here writes:
just to let you know, I thought about why the answer is 42, so I did this... L=12th letter of the alphabet I=9th " " " " F=6th " " " " E=5th " " " " add them together, you get 32. dang.
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pasta writes:
where are the pictures???
27 of 52 people found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No
Rakarth writes: backwards and in leet !
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drewhead118 writes:
the weapons of mass destruction egg page can be found at:
26 of 50 people found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No
Mike writes:
The phrase "answer to life the universe and everything" has 42 characters in it, including spaces. - Mike.
28 of 55 people found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No
zoso dude writes:
I guess all of those people wondering the meaning of life never tried googling it.
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MorPH writes:
WARNING: DO NOT THIS IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE TO RACISM. For all others, and I only did this for harmless fun, I didn't know what I'd get, type 'You smell like poo' and hit 'I'm feeling lucky'. Don't complain to me, I think that its sick and didn't know I'd get that result.
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Mas writes:
These things are crazy.......I'm scared
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TheNull2.0 writes:
type in "f***ing c*nt" and hit im feeling lucky and see whats happens. lol.
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rspenc24 writes:
Ok, let me clear this up for everyone, THE REASON GOOGLE ANSWERS THE QUESTION "answer to life the universe and everything" AS 42 IS, AND I QUOTE, "IF YOU ADD UP ALL THE SIDES ON TO DICE, ex. 2(1+2+3+4+5+6), YOU GET, 42, IMPLYING THAT LIFE IS A CRAP SHOOT.
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Thinboy00 writes:
1+2+3+4+5+6=21 NOT 42!
27 of 53 people found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No
Jewan writes:
wana know something hillarious?I did failure and pressed i'm feeling lucky button and it showed a page of George W. Bush!It's hillarious because they're voting george the WORST PRESEDENT EVER!!!!
26 of 51 people found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No
Twist writes:
The number "42" it's the "answer to the life, the uni.." according to Douglas Adams "The Hitchhicker's guide to the galaxy". It has nothing to do with te quantity of letters in it. For more information:,_the_Universe,_and_Everything (Or read the novel!. THAT is something you won't regret.)
26 of 51 people found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No
slovenia writes:
Type in googlef*** and Click I am feeling lucky.
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me writes:
"1+2+3+4+5+6=21 NOT 42!" that's because you have two dice in a crap shoot.
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crissxcross writes:
the french military victory one is not google if u press the 'im felling lucky' button it will take you to the first google link if u type french military victories there are links wen u press search its a hoax on a site called albino black lool
26 of 51 people found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No
hey, i just noticed something the answer to life is 42. "failure" typed in google shows george w bush. Bill Clinton was the 42 president. this means the answer to life, the world, and everything else is Bill Clinton!
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Jammy writes:
go on prefrences and change your language to differant languages and there are hidden ones like elmer fudd and klingon.
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dawgxgigilo writes:
If any of you all have heard of the "23 Enigma", it states that everything in the universe can be simplfied or related to the number 23 somehow. Just to let you know, adding up life, you get 32, which is 23 backwards. Weird...
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Armiris writes:
Most of those search 'eggs' won't work, except the 42 one, because Google search is different for everybody. Example: When I entered '1', I got January 1st on Wikipedia. :P
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saule pazare writes:
Type ''french military victories'' and click I`m feeling lucky
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Wallamanage writes:
That Failure one is so funny.
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sarru writes:
Type in elgoog (google, backwards)and it will redirect you to thier mirror site?? where everything is backwards. Well, I thought it was cool anyway! Sigh...too much time on my hands. :)
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William writes:
Emm the answer 42 is what the computer in the movie said was the answer for the life. The real point of it is that to ask the question for the meaning of life only to get a question for a response, but really the more we know about the universe the more it seems pointless.
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yeah it's 32 because it doesn't go by alphebetical numbers it goes by characters in the phrase "Answer to life the universe and everything" has 42 characters in it (including the spaces)
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elgoog people notice maps spelt backwards is spam.
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nasakid writes:
where are the pictures???
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AngryDaven writes:
Try typing in Doctor Steel and hit im feeling lucky.
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Bob writes:
And I was checking most of these sites, and the fact is, when you hit the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button, it tales you to the first page on the list, not some totally different sight that google put their on purpose. Like for Mozilla, ir came up because it had the number 1.0.1 in the description for the page, not necessarily because it is number 1. (Even though it is :P)
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101.101 writes:
I tried the "1" thing mentioned above and it took me to the VH1 website
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Sahm writes:
The Weapons of Mass Destruction page can be found here: Also, to find out why "failure" links to President Bush's page, read this:
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trox10 writes:
The f**king c**t is G-A-Y!!!
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