Paper Money Easter Egg - Hidden Verses in Australian 10 Dollars

Alright only on australian money in the ten dollar note. In the background in minute writing just to the side of the man wearing a hat there is a verse of a well known australian poem the man from snowy river.There is also things like this on the 5 dollar the 50 dollar and the hundred dollar

User Rating:
  7.3/10 with 7 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 06-15-2005
Reviewed By: DomFeargrieve, Techneon
Special Requirements: an australian 10 dollar note
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Stoot Oot writes:
On the 5 doller Australian note it says fivedollersfivedollersfivedollersfivedollersfivedollers fivedollersfivedollersfivedollersfivedollersfivedollers fivedollersfivedollersfivedollersfivedollersfivedollers with varying distance away from the side of the note not the note a poem but I cant comment on any other notes as I dont live in Australia.
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Skeleton Man writes:
For a start the note is plastic not paper, and the minute writing is known as micro-printing and is a security device found on all modern (plastic) notes. Next, the man in the hat is Banjo Patterson, a famous Australian poet, and also who wrote "The Man From Snowy River". Now as for the micro-printing on other notes, you will simply find "five dollars", "twenty dollars", "fifty dollars", etc repeated hundreds of times. As a side note, in addition to the front of the $10 note bearing "The Man From Snowy River", the reverse carries Mary Gilmore's face, and the full text to her poem "No Foe Shall Gather Our Harvest".
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