How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb (U2) Easter Egg - Hidden Text

It's very simple. Turn the CD upside-down so that you're looking at the underside. Look near the hole in the middle. The words "Miss you sugar" are clearly visible. I don't know who this is talking about, but it's pretty cool.

(I have the special edition of the CD and I don't know if it is the same on other editions)

User Rating:
  7.9/10 with 9 votes
Contributed By: Wallamanage on 06-12-2005
Reviewed By: sars, Techneon
Special Requirements: The CD
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{Ross} writes:
I found the same thing (I don't have the special edition, by the way.)I was wondering if other cds had the same thing (my friend was trying to convince me that I had won some sort of contest which I seriously doubted.)Anyway, now that I know other people have found the same message I think it may be to Ali, Bono's wife, he refers to her as sugar in a lot of U2's songs and what with him being on tour right now it's probable, well more probable than winning some sort of contest. And yeah, it is pretty cool.
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