Brady Bunch Movie, The Easter Egg - From the Orignal Brady Bunch

In the Brady Bunch movie, The part where Greg is trying to get someone to listen to him play the guitar. The one guy he is talking to is the orignal Greg that played in the orignal "Brady Bunch". Then when Jan runs away from home, the lady truck driver that picks her up is the original Alice from the orignal "Brady Bunch".

User Rating:
  3.5/10 with 6 votes
Contributed By: Rachel on 06-14-2005
Reviewed By: Gamer Sly-Ratchet, DomFeargrieve
Special Requirements: movie
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Cin Jaxon writes:
The original Peter Brady is in a small part in the first or second movie. He plays a teacher or something, for only one small shot.
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Radar writes:
The song that "Greg" is singing was one that was originally in the TV show. More importantly, it was one that was ACTUALLY WRITTEN by Barry Williams, the Original Greg, who as this Egg pointed out, in this case was the Record Producer that said the song was horrible.
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Bekki writes:
Also, in the movie, Florence Henderson plays the grandma. The family goes to see her at the end of the show and she makes a big production about Marcia's looks, and later on tells Jan to shut up when she starts hearing voices again.
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