South Park Easter Egg - Baseketball

Watch the episode of South Park where Kyle goes to see the Passion of the Christ. At one point, Stan and Kenny see the film and plan to get their money back. Stan says, "This is just like the time we saw Baseketball" or something like that. Baseketball was a movie that the creators of South Park wrote and starred in.

User Rating:
  5.5/10 with 6 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 06-12-2005
Reviewed By: Gamer Sly-Ratchet, DomFeargrieve
Special Requirements: A copy of the South Park episode.
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Lifelike writes:
That's like in the news anchor episode when Cartman pitches the "crab people" story. Matt and Trey poke fun at themselves all the time.
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CaseyGarner writes:
Matt and trey didnt write BASEketball just starred in it.
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