King, Steven Easter Egg - Steven King Loves Those Movies

As most of you know, Stevin is really into horror. He also takes a fancy to the movies based on his books!

For example, in Rose Red, he plays the delivery boy. In it, he is the Barkeep, and in Sleepwalkers, he is the Gravekeeper!

They are small parts yes, but he does make those appearences.

User Rating:
  3.7/10 with 10 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 06-12-2005
Reviewed By: Gamer Sly-Ratchet, Techneon
Special Requirements: eyes, knowing what Steven King looks like
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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robbage writes:
That would be STEPHEN King and he's appeared in many more: eg "The Stand", "Pet Sematary" and starred in a Creepshow segment by himself (can't remember the seg name but the one with the green goo from outer space). Maybe he's trying to beat Alfred Hitchcock...
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Gracey Poo writes:
I agree with ROBBAGE, that makes sense
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Dano writes:
That segment in CREEPSHOW was "The Lonely Death Of Jordy Verrill" <<
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HTA3D RD writes:
king was also in "The Langoliers" he played Mr. toomey's boss
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