Casio SA-8 Easter Egg - Hidden Demo Songs

1. Turn on the keyboard.
2. Simultaneously press the first white key, any other no more than 4 keys away from it, and the side drum percussion key (2nd green one from the left). E.g. The first white key, the fourth white key, and the 2nd green percussion key. This works with lots of other combinations all over the keyboard and using the first percussion key too!
3. Keep pressing simultaneously until a demo starts. There are 5 of these including the two demo songs available by pressing the far right orange buttons. You should be able to find 3 new songs "Happy Birthday", "Nocturne in E Major - Chopin" and "Twinkle Twinkle". As well as "Jingle Bells" and "Choral - Beethoven".
4. Have fun!!

User Rating:
  6.1/10 with 31 votes
Contributed By: Slimady on 04-08-2005
Reviewed By: Gamer Sly-Ratchet, Loginer
Special Requirements: A Casio SA-8 music keyboard
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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lisek16 writes:
I had this as a kid and all of a sudden we managed to get Happy Birthday to play and later figured out the others, of course this was pre-internet in our house and we had no idea what easter eggs were. My mom had actually called Casio and they gave her some information about how those songs were programmed features in other regions, not NA I guess and how they purposely made it so difficult to make them work. We thought it was very weird, but enjoyed figuring them out. My favorite was the Chopin.
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