MARVEL movies Easter Egg - Stan and the Gang

In every single movie adaption of a MARVEL comic series has a cameo appearance by Stan Lee or the director of the film. In Daredevil, Matt stops Stan Lee from crossing the street without looking. In Spiderman 2, Stan saves two children from falling debree. Also, as everybody knows, When Peter drops his things at campus, Sam Raimi
smacks him with a backpack. There are cameos in other movies but I forgot them. :(

User Rating:
  6.5/10 with 14 votes
Contributed By: Jack Anonymous on 03-27-2005
Reviewed By: Gamer Sly-Ratchet, Loginer
Special Requirements: Any MARVEL movie: Daredevil, Spiderman 1or 2, Punisher, Hulk, etc. ,common sense
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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TimLeeson writes:
You're wrong. What about the X-Men films?
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Be Christian writes:
According to he DID have a cameo in the first X-MEN film.
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Mary writes:
And don't forget Princess Diaries 2 where Stan the Man plays a horny old royal who gets introduced to the Princess at the ball.
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Plex writes:
if you watch the sence when the Senator crawls from the ocean to the beach in the first X-man you can see Stan Lee holding a hot dog in the backround.
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Ahem, I wrote this and I said in ALMOST every movie;and if there was a cameo in X-Men, I also said there were others that I didn't know or forgot. READ!!!
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I'm sorry. I didn't say almost every movie but I meant to. I forget to type stuff like that
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First off let me correct you on the Spiderman 2 thing it was the first Spiderman movie. Second, the X-Men cameo is a legit one, Stan the Man is buying an icecream from the vendor on the beach. As for other apperances... Hulk-Stan Lee plays a security guard coming out of a building as Bruce is going in. Also note that he is walking with and talking to Lou Ferrigno(who played the Hulk in the old television series). Fantastic Four-The illustrious creator of Marvel's first family plays none other than their almost famous mailman, Willie Lumpkin.
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dude writes:
There is also one in X-Men 3 where Stan Lee is the goy with the hose !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Kingshows writes:
He was also in the Hulk. He was the one who died from drinking Hulk blood.
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