Doom 3 Easter Egg - Rude Marines

At the beginning of the game in Mars City, you will meet a guy at a kiosk who hands you your palm pilot. Immediately after that, he starts typing on his computer. Use the "no clip" cheat and hover over him and watch the words on the screen. Keep reading, keep reading some more....

User Rating:
  8.6/10 with 24 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 03-27-2005
Reviewed By: MrHappyHamster, Gamer Sly-Ratchet
Special Requirements: 'Doom 3' Video Game
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Reception Computer Screen
Reception Computer Screen

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GreenThing writes:
can you tell us what he writes??
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banannq writes:
Can't remember exactly, but he types about personel he processed, and after the while he adds a note that one of new marines had been very rude hoovering over him all the time and reading what he types. he keeps writing over and over so don't worry, you won't miss it.
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squinn writes:
"I would also like to add that this new transfer is exceedingly rude. He has hovered over me reading everything I type. STOP IT" Image has been submitted.
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doihaveto? writes:
Can I just say, I would type that if somebody hovered over me, I would type that. I would also like to say that my brother is hovering about behind me watching everything I type. I shall tell him to stop it. And on that note, give him a punch, too.
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n1ghtsn1p3r writes:
You don't need "no-clip" to read it, IIRC
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