Doom 3 Easter Egg - Someone Forgot to Flush!

In the first level of doom 3 (mars city), follow the path to marine headquarters and you will eventually reach a bathroom on your right-hand side (someone will come out of the door as you enter). Inside, there will be three toilets. Use the "give all" cheat to get a flashlight (don't have one yet) and look into the middle toilet. Surprise! You will have to use the cheat because it is hardly visible without a flashlight. Enjoy!

User Rating:
  6.5/10 with 19 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 03-27-2005
Reviewed By: Gamer Sly-Ratchet, Loginer
Special Requirements: A copy of doom 3.
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Someone forgot to flush!
Someone forgot to flush!

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22 of 41 people found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No
!!! Great job finding that!!! I can't believe a game like Doom 3 would have that in there.
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zach coffey writes:
while barffing, sick, gross, some one on the id team must like scat humor
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pepe writes:
come on. turd jokes are great.
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No use of toilet paper, I see...
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mmm....yum yum NOT that is sick and huge by the way but that has just gone too far, your lucky it's not an actual photo.
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i was here writes:
ew. i can't see a flush button in the picture anyway. what do the magazines say?
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squinn writes:
To: i was here. The urinals and toilets don't have buttons. Instead, they use motion-detection sensors for flushing. Even if this toilet was working properly, it may not have been able to flush its over-sized contents. The magazines say "booty" and "GameHog".
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doihaveto? writes:
Ah man, that turd is HUGE! That marine must have had diarrhea!
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Skullbird11 writes:
Very Nice :)
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Master writes:
I can't find the bathroom in the Xbox version.
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Ca;eb writes:
Man, someone had WAY too much dinner. It would help if you had a plunger in the items.
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