Gilmore Girls Easter Egg - Luke's Cell- Phone Number

At the end of the episode Luke leaves about five messages on Lorelai's answering machine. On one of the messages he leaves his cell phone number. The number does not start with 555 like other television/ movie phone numbers. If you call this number, you get a special message from Scott Patterson, who plays Luke.

User Rating:
  7.4/10 with 78 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 03-27-2005
Reviewed By: Gamer Sly-Ratchet, Loginer
Special Requirements: see the episode where Luke gets a call- phone
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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liam writes:
What episode, and what is the cell-phone number?
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rosetat writes:
wow, and i thought i wasa die hard fan. in recent new shows and movies they arent using the 555 thing anymore. but the fact that there was an actual message is pretty cool.
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gawama writes:
It's featured in the first episode of this season.
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Nala writes:
It's the episode where Luke has to go help his Liz and T.J. at the Renaissance Fair. He leaves Lorelai like five messasges and gives her his cell phone number.
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Jennifer writes:
Hey Luke's cell phone number is 860-294-1986
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Bart_NL writes:
Did anyone actually call this number?
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Lauren writes:
I called it, It was a message saying that the subscriber doesn't accept incoming calls. So maybe at one point there was a message, but they're definitely isn't now.
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