Star Trek: Voyager Easter Egg - Holo Emitter

In the episode where the Dr. gets his thingamajig
thingy (a 29th century gadget) that he puts on his arm, which allows him to exist outside the sick bay (the episode where the Time Ship from 29th century crashes on Earth and the Bill Gates like character gets hold of the ship and its technology and builds a high tech empire).

In that episode when Tuvok asks the Dr. how can he exist outside the Holodeck; he replies that he has this thingy; called ... "autonomous self-sustaining holo emitter". Now is it my imagination, or do the writers of the show have a twisted sense of humor? Make an acronym (capitalized letters) from "Autonomous Self-Sustaining HOLo Emitter"... what do you think? ;-)

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Contributed By: eric :):) on 11-26-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
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too tall writes:
I don't think so,...... BUT, it's still cool.
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Knucklehead writes:
I think you're reaching here...
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Smaug writes:
I don't think so. Sigmund Freud turnes round in his grave.
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Dylan Rush writes:
Just for reference, the episode was called "Future's End"
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Tim writes:
Concerning the name of the epsiode, Future's END...understand what I'm getting at?
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INVSBLIT22 writes:
Tim - You're right. This IS voyager's last season (season 6 or 7, I think 7, whatever the 2000 season is). I know Brannon Braga and he said they made that the title as a reminder that Voyager® is going to end sometime (unlike the original series). I promised not to reveal how they get home, but I gotta say it is pretty cool (they have a few more battles with the Borg®, I'll tell you that much). However, they should have the new series (again, can't reveal the name, semi-"classified") should be out either next season or the season of 2002.
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Inuit writes:
No!!! I can't wait that long for a new series!!! Can you at least give some hints if you know so much? By the way, in that same episode you can see fans behind barricades in the corner of the screen, tying to get a glimpse of the actors. ( they are in the street and being held back by police cars)
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I think when tim capitalised END in the title, he was reffering to the ASS part of the acronym!
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GatorPlug writes:
Ok, this is just crazy, First of all you're just capitalizing random letters to make it say what you want. Second, if you did bring it down to an abbreviation it would be A.S.S.H.E., not a**hole. You're really strentching things here.
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Dangevin writes:
The 7-season "limit" is for syndication reasons. They need a show that lasted at least three seasons to be able to play them daily without repeating too much. But having too many shows (more than seven seasons' worth) makes the block of shows not only expensive to a network to purchase, but also viewers interested in watching the whole run of the series might lose interest. Case in point: how many networks do you see that run Bonanza. :) -Dano
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Mythmander writes:
Just so you know, Voyager makes it back, in 20 years ,give or take, Admiral Janeway goes to the Borg to try to keep it all from happening. The new series stars Captain Archer and a new crew in the early 22nd century called "Enterprise" (All this is found at
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The Master writes:
good one!
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cpdc1030 writes:
On that same episode I noticed an inconsistency in the company name. On the top of the building (Library Tower I believe it is called in real life) the company is "Chronowerx", but in the hidden bay where the timeship is stored it is spelled "Chronowerks".
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J`ennaTorres writes:
The Holo emmiter is 29th century!
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casketguy writes:
His "acronym" is far from far-fetched. Just look at the acronym NORAD. The actual name for the military organization North American Aerospace Defense Command. Since Starfleet, in any century, is, at its heart, a military body, the "military acronym" defense won't explain that one away. ;-)
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Thespark215 writes:
I really do think you are streching on this one. However it isn't uncommon for the Star Trek crew to play jokes on one another.
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Smithy writes:
There's *no doubt* this was done on purpose. When I watched this episode for the first time, I paused and spelled the letters out. The implication was immediately obvious. The doctor is an A**HolE. If you don't believe me, watch 2x03 Projections. His program is named AK1 Diagnostic And Surgical Subroutine. Note the acronym: AK1 DASS = A Klass 1 DumbASS. I'm sure there's more, I just haven't noticed them yet.
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