O.C., The First Season Easter Egg - Hidden Takeouts

This egg is funny if your a huge O.C. fan. It's a hidden clip of Seth and Ryan when they go get Lobster and Ryan gets a job (episode 5). At the main menu, go to 'episodes'. once it loads, highlight episode 5 and go to the right of it. there is a little O.C. pop-up and click OK. i found it on accident but its like a 10 second clip... just more things to watch if you love the O.C.!

User Rating:
  5.9/10 with 11 votes
Contributed By: ryan b on 01-14-2005
Reviewed By: sars, Gamer Sly-Ratchet
Special Requirements: DVD player, remote, and a t.v., and the O.C. first season!
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Skye writes:
They do that on a lot of the discs. The first disc also has one, where in the first episode (where Seth and Ryan get into a fight with Luke)if you hit right, you'll see a clip of Adam Brody (who plays Seth) clowning around with the keg. All you have to do is just keep scrolling down and right until you find one.
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