No One Lives Forever 2 Easter Egg - Rabbit Room
All you need to do is in the level in India I can't really remember the name you have to go through a room that will slam spikes on you from the celling and you have to get on the other side to the safe. You can not go through the right way or it won't happen instead take bodies of the guards and throw them into the room activating the individual sections of spikes once done run across and on to a square in the middle of the room you won't really see it so just run through the middle it is on the floor and is the same colr as the floor but it is there . You will be lowered incredibaly fast into a room filled with what else but rabbits then be zipped back up possibly a trap that was made but forgoten about. p.s mite take alot of trys so be persitent good luck
Special Requirements: the game and some decent skills
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