Star Trek: Enterprise Easter Egg - Klingons Have Taken Over Earth

In the fourth season episode "The Augments", the Augments are looking over a map of a planet colonized by the Klingons that they want to fire a biological weapon at. If you look carefully and have a quick eye, there are land masses that bare a strong resamblance to land masses on Earth. In fact, right in the center of it is a land mass that looks just like the Arabian Pennisula. I just find it both silly and odd that they would have that land mass showing when they are talking about a "weapon of mass destruction". Here's a screen shot of it if you don't believe me:

User Rating:
  2.5/10 with 4 votes
Contributed By: omega13a on 12-25-2004
Reviewed By: Boneho Chane, sars
Special Requirements: Eyes and knowledge of world geography
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Oghma writes:
It isn't just resemblance - it's definitely Earth. And eeggs are supposed to be odd and silly.
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