Bag of Bones (Stephen King) Easter Egg - Ray Garraty

When the main character of the novel begins writing his own book, Stephen King mentions a character in the book-within-a-book named Ray Garraty (I think Ray Garraty is the protagonist's childhood friend). Well, back in the 70's, Stephen King wrote a few books under the name Richard Bachman. One of these books was called "The Long Walk." The main character in "The Long Walk" was named none other than Ray Garraty.

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  4.8/10 with 20 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 11-28-2004
Reviewed By: ConCor, Capital C
Special Requirements: the book
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jezzers writes:
Stephen King has many "crossovers" in all of his books. This eeg is interesting because it's not one that I knew already. Thank you for sharing this.
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