Alias: Complete Season 3 Easter Egg - Jennifer Talks About Syd

Insert disk 5 of season 3 into your player. Go into the special features/bonus menu. You will see the interview with JG & JJ or back to main menu. Hit the up, down, right, or left buttons until a Rambaldi symbol appears (you may need to wait until the song has looped once). Select it and you will see a short one minute interview with Jennifer Garner about her character on the show. In a DVD-ROM, the Rambaldi symbol is already there and you can just click on it.

User Rating:
  4.7/10 with 18 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 09-21-2004
Reviewed By: MrHappyHamster, Jabberwocky
Special Requirements: Alias disk 5 of season 3, DVD player
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Bleach226 writes:
I checked season 3 disc 5 and could not find this egg. I didn't even see that the interview with JG and JJ was there. Are you sure it isn't on a different disc or different season? Or is it accessed some other way? The bonus feature on that disc was "The Museum of Television & Radio--Creating Characters."
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ayne writes:
Bleach226- The egg is on that disk, on the menu to which you refer. (The "Museum of Television & Radio - Creating Characters" segment IS an interview with JG & JJ) It's really difficult to get to - I think there's a specific sequence of buttons to press, but I can't figure out exactly what it is. Be careful not to push the buttons too fast, though.. I went right past the symbol the first time because I was frantically trying to find it. It's a lot easier to find if you try it in your computer and mouse around the screen until the symbol appears.
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Bleach226 writes:
Thanks! I found it, I did it on the computer and it's like, right under the "main menu" part if you mouse over it.
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Matthew writes:
On the bonus section, select "The Museum of Television and Radio" and press up four times. The Rambaldi symbol will then appear.
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