Doom 3 Easter Egg - Skeletal Joe

Just when you get to Alpha Labs sector 4, you will find the trapped character In a chamber. Rather than releasing him, press 'Activate Chamber' on the panel, this will kill him and leave a skeleton. Then go to the room on the right, very quickly, before It gets locked, and take the lift down. Then go Into the room with the radiation sign on the front, in the corridor Is the skeleton, you can talk to him, and funnily enough, his name is 'Joe'. He will keep turning toward you, as you move around the room.
But be very fast, as the door to the lift gets sealed quickly.

User Rating:
  6.1/10 with 38 votes
Contributed By: Ignat on 09-15-2004
Reviewed By: MrHappyHamster, Jabberwocky
Special Requirements: Doom 3, retail
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Skeletal Joe
Skeletal Joe

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Rarehunter writes:
I love DOOM 3. I noticed that you could kill him on Sector 4 but always thought he died. And besides, ID software made every innocent character you shouldn't be able to talk to, "Joe"
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Lucifer2004 writes:
I noticed that,in the start when you just start the new game if you go to the "Infarmary" or whatever,use noclip and the patient,surgeon and assistant are all called "Joe"!I also made a joke of this as in the game Vietcong,Defort in the jeep says "So your gonna play docter Joe,huh?"I call crocker the Medic "Joe".NOTE:In the Infarmary,you cant talk to the docters and, obviously you cant to the patient but he gets up...
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CHSsk8er14 writes:
Also there is no Alpha Sector 4 on the xbox version of the game.
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holyguns123 writes:
can he kill you?
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