From Dusk till dawn Easter Egg - O.J. Simpson

Okay, to hear this "egg", cue up the movie to the scene after Harvey Keitel has been bitten in the bar and he makes his way down the tunnel to join the rest of the gang. They all then decide to use him to help them fight the vampires. When they are all loaded up on weapons and open the door to the hallway, there are many vampires crouched in the hallway backing up. You can hear them whispering all kind of evil sounds. If you listen very carefully, you can here something whisper, "O.J. Simpson". It's really funny. I had to stop and rewind it a few times just to make sure I wasn't hearing things.

User Rating:
  7.1/10 with 121 votes
Contributed By: Mr. Roy on 11-22-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Just the movie and your ears
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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joeytebo writes:
i hear the o-jay but the simpson is a stretch , its there but its a stretch...but if you go back and listen, right before they say o.j. simpson, one of the vampires says-"Wasuuup!" true, its really there
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If you are referring to the "Wazzup" used in the Budweiser commercials, it doesn't really make much sense. Take into consideration the fact that the movie was release approximately 3-4 years before that commercial... it just doesn't work unless they're psychic.
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Kurtreznor writes:
<> well, they are vampires. ;-)
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Ragtopman writes:
Hey DJ, I hate to break the news to you but "Wazzup" is very old. Heck me and my friends were having conversations like the commercials back in the late 80s, early 90s, I would say 1991 it was a widely except form of saying Hello and in classic Gen-X style we would just repeat it back and forth to each other. When we first saw the commercial we were all on the floor rolling because my best friend even looks & sounds like one of the guys in the commercial. You honestly didn't think some suit at a marketing agency thought "Whazzup" up?
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