Doom 3 Easter Egg - Weird Al Reference in E-Mail

In the Alpha Labs, an e-mail on a PDA talks about an industrial accident. The e-mail refers to the victim as "torsoboy" and mentions that he caught his arm in the "Albuquerk Particle Condenser". Both are references to the song "Albuquerque" by Weird Al Yankovic, from his album "Running With Scissors".

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  6.7/10 with 21 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 08-23-2004
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Doom 3
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

Pictures and Videos

'Albuquerque' reference, found in Jack Smith's PDA.
'Albuquerque' reference, found in Jack Smith's PDA.

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aj writes:
Sorry to say this but I think that's just a coincdence. :(
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I hate to break it to you, "aj", but it's NOT a coincidence. Text from mail in DOOM3: "Tell me how a buddy system would have prevented Joe 'Torsoboy' Moss from having his arms and legs hacked off by the Albuquerck Capacitor?" Text from Weird Al Song "Albuquerque": ... "No, I want you to cut off my arms and legs with a chainsaw" "So I did ... "Besides, now he's got a really cute nickname - Torso-Boy So what's he complaining about?" That's a bit TOO weird to be coincidental...
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Screen-shot submitted. I never liked the song much, so I didn't listen to it. Probably why I didn't catch it at first, but I remember reading this one then playing Doom 3 and noticing it. That's how I found it again. Thanks!
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