Doom 3 Easter Egg - Familiar Images from Hell

In certain parts of Doom 3, there's a rather large demonic glyph written on the floor.

This is not to be confused with small ones which occasionally pop up when an enemy is teleporting in. I am referring to a very large glyph I remember seeing in Hell.

Here's a picture.

At around 7 o'clock, assuming the northmost point on the map is 12 o'clock, there's the original Doom Marine face, grinning. He is easiest to see when making a southwest line from the north-east most pentagram point, as the image is slightly tilted.

Slightly north-east of the Doom Marine face is a very small UAC logo, circa Doom1/2.

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  7.4/10 with 65 votes
Contributed By: Scumbag on 08-14-2004
Reviewed By: Boneho Chane, sars
Special Requirements: A good eye
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

Pictures and Videos

His face is at the bottom left circled with red. Pretty cool egg.
His face is at the bottom left circled with red. Pretty cool egg.

Do you have another one? Send us a picture or video of this Egg!


... There it is! Not bad. I gotta upgrade my computer so I can play that game...
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I dont get it..
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Nailz writes:
Yeah man thats classic! I never would've looked in there, but thats because I was probably being chased by something LOL. Thanks for the pic! :)
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Eggy Bread writes:
If you look at the centre of the pentagram slightly towards 12 o'clock, you can also see what looks suspiciously like the good old Dopefish of retro id fame.
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Bad_Bud writes:
In the very center is the face of the final boss on Doom2, I hope all you guys caught that one. O_o
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ToadLurker writes:
Here, I made it a little easier for your guys:
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i3loodlust writes:
Dudes! check this out!\sound\xian\creepy\prayer file: deliver_us.ogg play it backwards! Count into temptation and deliver us ... i cant really make it
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squinn writes:
i3loodlust, the message is "not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Lead us". The first two words of this passage were placed at the end. You should start a whole new egg for this one.
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Judge Deadd writes:
Actually the Dopefish is not there... the guys from id didn't put it in there. This is just some weird symboil which happens to look a bit like that freaking fish.
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Kingrow writes:
In the final level, while in the room where the large "coffin" lays, one (possibly more?) of the stone carvings along the wall has a carving of the original box cover of the first Doom game.
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Mace-Windows writes:
Lol, noticed something else. Starting from the doom guy, start moving towards the centre in a diagonal line. Just before you reach the picture of what looks like the boss, you can see the old UAC logo which is two circles with an arrow in the middle.
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SheeEttin writes:
The first time you see a pentagram (in the administration area, near alpha labs), there's probably an egg in the panel on the door. It's blue, but glows red (and displays a pentagram), and the text at the top changes. I can't quite read it, but I think that it says "hell" as the first word in the second instance of text. (There are three phrases it displays.) If anyone has a method of capturing images or video, that'd be great.
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Sanchez writes:
For those of who you see the Dopefish, it isn't there. I know, you're super positive that it's him, and that id just dropped in another easter egg from their glory days. But, have you even seen the Dopefish before? I tried very hard to make any connection with the fish and his possible appearance in the pentagram, but he is simply not there. First off, the Dopefish has his eyes very close together, they are not separated by any space. On the pentagram, the supposed area where he is located (the circles that are his 'eyes') are spaced apart. No two circles touch as they should. The 'fin' at the top is also too wide to be his, as his fin tapers to a point. I did manage to see what could've been his teeth, the square bottom in the center of the pentagram. However, that's up to the viewer to decide whatever it may be. I remember seeing someone make a statement that he looks like a "pineapple man holding his arms up" or something. I'd have to say that's far closer to the truth than Dopefish.
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