Doom 3 Easter Egg - Classic Cheat Code References

When in any level type in "iddqd" to see a funny message. iddqd is a cheat code for the old Doom and Doom 2 games.

User Rating:
  7.1/10 with 11 votes
Contributed By: «ºº}{ÿÞèróñï© }{裣$tórmºº» on 08-06-2004
Reviewed By: MrHappyHamster, Boneho Chane
Special Requirements: Doom 3
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Nailz writes:
Yeah I saw this egg. I thought ID would do something with their old cheat codes since everyone remembers them. Heretic did something like that too. Try it ;). Also since checklist won't let me get past the first part I'll post my egg here. On a waiting table in a waiting room, I believe its anywhere in the game there is a game magizine. The headline reads "Doom XL" and has a pic of the doom guy, or the wolfenstein guy's head on the cover.
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