Doom 3 Easter Egg - Idclip Reference

Make sure you can enter the console, you can do this by adding +seta com_allowConsole "1" to the target in the game's shortcut. Then hitting the tilda (~). Or by running the game normally and holding ctrl-alt-tilda(~).

1. Run the game
2. Enter the console
3. Type in "idclip"
4. And there you have it!

Although it says "unknown command" above it, it will say "your memory serves you well!" Idclip was the command for noclip in DOOM II. Idclip is not the command for noclip in DOOM 3, it is just plain old "noclip".

User Rating:
  6.1/10 with 15 votes
Contributed By: Elbo on 08-04-2004
Reviewed By: MrHappyHamster, Boneho Chane
Special Requirements: Just Doom 3
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Actually this works for all the Doom Cheat codes iddqd idkfa idfa idchoppers idmypos iddt idspispopd and idclip for Doom II idclev## idmus## idbehold! where ! is I,R,S,A,V, and L
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daunrealist writes:
'idclip' was originally a Doom 1 code.
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mikeo007 writes:
Actually, IDCLIP was a doom 2 code, it didn't work in doom 1. You had to use IDSPISPOD in doom 1
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slice'n'dice writes:
idchoppers is another one too
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