Jaws Easter Egg - Dino Roar at End
Steven Spielberg adds a dinosuar roar in the end of JAWS. When they guy shoots the air tank, and it explodes, when you see the shark sinking to the bottom you can hear a dinonosaur roar. Well it is actually interesting why he put it there. In the movie he made before JAWS, DUEL, at the end, when the truck drives over the side of the cliff, you can hear the same dinosaur roar, he put it there because had had always thought of the truck as a "dinosaur" because it was big, and scary. And he thought of Jaws as big and scary too, so he added the sound at the end. Another interesting fact is he wanted to put the roar in it because JAWS has 4 letters in its title, just like DUEL had 4 letters in it title too.
Special Requirements: JAWS DVD or VHS, and good hearing!
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