Kill Bill: Vol. 1 Easter Egg - Earl McGraw

In Kill Bill Vol. 1 during the blood splattered bride chapter, the redneck sheriff that investigates the massacre may look a little familiar to you Tarantino fans out there. he is the same sheriff that Quentin kills at the beginning of From Dusk Till Dawn. In Dawn, the news report mentions his name is Earl McGraw and in the end credits of both Kill Bill Volumes 1&2 he is credited as Earl McGraw.

User Rating:
  5.8/10 with 17 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 07-21-2004
Reviewed By: Boneho Chane, ConCor
Special Requirements: DVD or VHS copy of Kill Bill vol. 1
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Big_El writes:
You may have noticed that the scene in the wedding chappel in volume one, right at the beggining of the scene there is a piece of music which is played only for a second and it sounds like a radio station being changed. This small piece of music is the same piece of music that is used in Reservior Dogs when Michael Madsens character (Mr. Blonde) turns on the radio and changes the station to K-Billy's super sounds of the seventies weekend, right before he cuts off the cops ear.
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sars writes:
Song you're referring to is "Stuck In the Middle With You" by Stealer's Wheel
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NavGrav writes:
Michael Parks is so remarkable. He is also Esteban Vihaio in KB2. How totally different and how totally authentic is his performance of both characters. The scene with Esteban and Beatrix is my favorite.
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